Local Recycling, Done Right!

ReallyRecycle.com is doing recycling properly. Recycling plastics your council won't! Find out why plastic recycling isn't good enough'

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Product Search

Scan a packaging barcode to find out how to recycle it.

Type or scan the product barcode.

Recycling easy

A perfect outlet for technically recyclable plastics that have no place to go at your council.


Simply scan the QR code on our seal while you're logged in and we collect from you.

Natural regeneration

Each bag comes with a donation to natural rewilding projects.

Wholesale Circular Products with ReallyRecycle.com

Made using reclaimed material. Doing your bit? Waiting for government not an option? Join the movement for people taking climate change seriously!

Stack it, Scan it, Send it!

Got one of our bags? Fill it with dry plastics and seal it with the enclosed label. Scan-to-Collect is our new easy-to-use collection system. Simply scan the QR code after sealing the bag and we'll arrange collection from you. No need to drop it off anywhere!


Our World

Find out why we do what we do, our engine partners why local circularity must become a reality!

How we save resources & avoid emissions

An Interface For Transparency

Know exactly what's happening to waste plastics! No more secrecy. No more exports. No more incineration!


Recorded Collections

See when your collections happened and how your plastics break down


Scope 1, 2 and 3 Carbon savings. How much CO2 your waste avoided, percentage recycled and economic value for communities.


If you want to, you can compare how your outer postcode area is doing against other areas. Who will be top of the class?

Tune Response

Selecting the right balance is crucial to recycling. Bottles can still go to councils, but everything else?

It's time to change

Show councils how it should be done. Get started today!
You won’t regret it!